joe314mich Foto principale
joe314mich biografia aggiornata

I only read and speak English. I am located in the state of Michigan in the USA. I work a full time job as an office administrator of a construction company. I would love to find a potential lifelong partner and possibly have a family.

I have no desire to pay money to this site and so I cannot pay to translate messages or view blurred images. I will attempt to use Google Translate as much as possible to try and translate anything not in English.

我只会说英语。 我位于美国密歇根州。 我是一家建筑公司的办公室管理员,全职工作。 我很想找到一个潜在的终身伴侣,甚至可能是一个家庭。

我不想为此网站付费,因此我无需支付翻译电子邮件或查看模糊图像的费用。 我将尝试尽可能多地使用Google翻译来翻译任何非英语内容。

joe314mich Foto principale
joe314mich immagine di copertina aggiornata

joe314mich Foto principale
joe314mich foto di profilo aggiornata